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"Groove Thang" music video

Stone White single “Groove Thang” music video with funky dancing zombies featuring Marie Poppins, D Soul and Clay Boonthanakit! Can't get enough? In the Membership there is an extended version with some very funny extra dialog from I. Elijah Baughman, Clay Boothanakit and the awesome background dancers (turned zombies) Chanelle Wang, Lillian Fu and Bianca Vallar.



"Get On Down" music video!

Featuring freestyle dancing from Fik-Shun Stegall, Marie Poppins, Lil B, Burim B1 Jusufi, Clay Boonthanakit, Eric Luciano and others! Check out the extended version in the Membership with extra dancing at the end and some funny extra dialog from I. Elijah Baughman, Clay Boothanakit, Burim B1 Jusufi, Eric Luciano and dancers Chanelle Wang, Lillian Fu and Bianca Vallar!


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